Breast augmentation patients at Broadway Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Centre have several choices of breast implants: saline implants, traditional silicone gel implants and highly cohesive silicone gel implants, which are often called “gummy bear” implants because their texture resembles the chewy candies of the same name.
Of these, Vancouver breast augmentation surgeon Benjamin Gelfant MD finds that the silicone varieties of breast implants are the most popular choice among his patients. Why? Here are some of the reasons that the majority of Dr. Gelfant’s breast implants patients choose silicone instead of saline.
1. Both traditional silicone gel and highly cohesive silicone gel implants more closely resemble the look and feel of natural breasts than do their saline counterparts.
2. Both types of silicone gel implants are less likely than their saline counterparts to fold or ripple within the implant pocket. Furthermore, highly cohesive silicone gel implants are the least prone to cause visible rippling underneath the skin’s surface.
3. The highly cohesive silicone gel filling material is more stable than traditional silicone gel, so it will stay confined within the implant pocket in the event that the implant leaks or ruptures. This makes it easier to remove the filling material, if needed.
Although silicone breast implants are an attractive choice for many patients, they are not without their disadvantages.
For instance, silicone breast implants typically require slightly larger incisions than saline implants because they are prefilled from the manufacturer; saline implants can be filled by the surgeon after insertion. Also, those with silicone breast implants may have an increased risk of “silent rupture,” a condition in which the implant ruptures but the patient is not aware of it because the silicone filling material has stayed intact within the implant pocket. (Due to the increased risk of silent rupture, Benjamin Gelfant MD recommends that breast augmentation patients with silicone implants undergo regular breast imaging exams every three years, starting three years after the initial procedure.)
For these reasons, about 25 percent of Benjamin Gelfant MD’s patients opt for saline breast implants. Nonetheless, breast enhancement patients typically feel that the advantages of silicone implants outweigh the disadvantages, making silicone breast implants the most popular choice among patients.
To schedule a consultation with Benjamin Gelfant MD or to learn more about your cosmetic surgery treatment options and what we can do to optimize your results, please contact his Vancouver cosmetic plastic surgery clinic by calling (604) 874-2078.

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