Please note that Dr. Benjamin Gelfant is planning his retirement and will be conducting his final surgeries through this summer and fall of 2024.

New surgery under his care will occur only until December 20, 2024. We are still seeing patients for consultation and will continue scheduling patients for surgery until our available surgery time is filled up.

Routine post-operative and follow-up care will be provided until March 2024 after which Dr. Gelfant will be retiring from practice.

Since 1989, Dr. Gelfant has delivered quality surgical care to tens of thousands of patients. From extensive facial trauma and reconstruction, major esthetic procedures, and skin cancers and small skin growths, regardless of complexity or simplicity he has provided a very high level of personal and professional care and  aimed to apply the best available techniques.

Over the years, Dr. Gelfant has been involved in the astounding explosion in techniques in aesthetics surgery for the improvement of appearance (cosmetic/aesthetic surgery) The subspecialty of aesthetic surgery emerged from relative obscurity to become accepted, safer, and much better. He has also seen and been engaged with the development of microsurgery, and the revolutions in the treatment of patients with complex facial deformities from birth and trauma. He has been a leader in using better breast enhancement techniques and implants, endoscopic breast and forehead lifts, dramatically more natural treatments for facial aging, and body contouring based on sound understanding of anatomy and surgical safety.

After Dr. Gelfant retires,  your ongoing care needs will be assured and all your medical records will be accessible. The clinic at 1333 West Broadway suite will continue, under the direction of Dr.Esta Bovill, who has been Dr. Gelfant’s trusted colleague for more than five years here.

Should you wish to have your records transferred to another professional, they are digital and this can be done easily with your written permission.

Susan Mackenzie, RN, our nurse injector, will continue to provide her much-loved service using injectable fillers and Botulinin Toxin (Botox®), as she has for over 20 years.

It has taken many years and much planning to ensure continuing care and a seamless transition, in the atmosphere our patients have grown to trust and depend on.

Please feel free to contact the office should you be considering any additional surgery.

Thank you for your continuing patronage and support.

Benjamin Gelfant MD FRCSC and staff

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